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Winx Saga

Last year in 2022 we helped FreeFolk post production team bringing a large worm to life for Fate: Winx Saga sci-fi episodes. Our riggers created various controls for many legs, mouth with teeth and flexible body with stretching and snake motion.  

Jan Zizka ( Medieval )

Finally Jan Zizka movie release date was announced for September 8, 2022. RIG-IT team worked with post-production PFX Prague delivering few soldiers digital double rigs and realistic CG lion rig. Movie trailer Spoiler Alert : This sequence shows the CG animated lion attacking the soldiers (unofficial clip)

Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard

We have worked on various digi double rigs including Face FACS setups (including Morgan Freeman) some expression shapes by WorldWide FX, some of them by RIG-IT and couple of props (rollercoaster, carousel cabin) on a movie Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard which was recently released.   All postproduction was done by WorldWide FX, London. Their demoreel below…

Skoda Enyaq Robots

In spring this year we had pleasure to work on various age variations of a complex robot rig. The characters played key role in the new Skoda Enyaq UK add.   We would like to thank Freefolk post production from London for this opportunity! Channel 4 TV idents Skoda Enyaq Robots – Making Of

Two animated dogs are playing with ball.

That`s my ball

Recently our customer and his team created impressive realistic animation with 2 of our Eshop rigged dogs: French Bulldog, Rhodesian Ridgeback. We are very impressed at and hoping this only shows first example of how our eshop assets will be used from animation to film and realtime applications. Credits: Chalermphol Wattanawongtrakool, Tatchapon lertwirojkul,…

VirginMedia Seal

Here is our first published project of year 2020 – another fun cooperation with Untold Studios, where we rigged a realistic seal for the Virgin Media new campaign. The seal rig actually had few cartoon features since it can stretch and squash, but it was used within limits. Face rig was mostly based on detailed…

IT Chapter Two had the amazing opportunity to provide rigging for various characters – both full creatures and digi doubles on the latest horror sequel IT Chapter Two. VFX sequence with couple of our rigged creatures: (source: Warner Bros youtube channel): Movie trailer: We would like to thank to Cubica VFX for contacting us about this work.